Our Business


The commodities business is characterized by thin margins and prices are determined largely by market forces. Most players in the market are price takers and the only way a company can be more profitable than others is by being efficient i.e. reducing administration costs etc. This is one of the key strengths of the proposed business. The company focuses on strict financial discipline and cost efficiency. This helps it stand apart from its competitors who have large overheads. The day to day administration costs are kept low and unnecessary overheads are avoided. The back to back business model helps the Company avoid inventory carrying costs.

Business Model

The Company would stringently follow the business model where it does not take any price risk as all the customer orders would be synchronized with those placed with the suppliers. This mitigates the risk of price fluctuations. This business model will also insulate the company from inventory carrying costs as the logistics would not be managed by the company. Hence, the Company would be able to retain a steady margin despite wide fluctuations in global metal prices.
The company would strategically diversify the product portfolio to include ferrous and non-ferrous metals including coal and iron ore. This helps in enhancing volumes as well as sustain margins. A product mix of high value/low volume metals such as tin and low value/high volume metals such as steel scrap helps sustain both revenues and profits.
The company would have a natural hedge as imports and exports would be in one currency i.e. USD. Forward cover would be taken to cover any foreign currency risk if required.
In trades not covered by L/C, the Company would take additional securities such as down payments and asset collateral. If this is not possible for a trade, Credit Insurance would be taken to tackle any possible counterparty risk.